♥ Don't Go To Bed Yet, Love
Monday, January 16, 2012

"When our hearts are heavy burdens we shouldn't have to bear alone"
To think, a year ago, we were going on this whirlwind ride of dating each other and now, I still don't want to get off this ride. You don't sing to me as often and you don't hug me as much but you're there when I need you and sometimes even when I don't but you'll just be there to make sure I'm fully annoyed for the day.
I get scared of your mood swings but you hate my drama. It seems to balance everything out, how I'm always so dramatic and so manja and you're always so hyper and cold. But it's the moments where I wake up and the very first thing I see is your face or when I wake you up and you give me your sour face and go back to sleep. I know we don't seem like much to everybody else but we do to me and hopefully to you too.
It was somewhat comforting to know that while others were celebrating Valentine's Day, we were celebrating our one year anniversary. We didn't do much. All we did was go to Ikea after college and got a few hot dogs to eat and then watched a movie but it still seemed like the best way to do it.
"You don't know how much I love you."
"You have no idea."
I'm actually very glad that you have no idea how much I love you because then you'd use it against me and that would just suck. I wanted to thank you for the present you gave me. Not the one for our anniversary but the one I'm more grateful for than anything else and though at times, it hurts, as long as your there, I'll try.